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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

AHH!i think i screwed geog big time.D:
sighs.so little time lah.i almost didn't finish and i think i made a lot of stupid mistakes.hope i can get a B at least.anw,it's over now so i shld stop thinking abt it.argh.today got so much stuff to do...have to chiong hist later!hope i do fine for it.and math...my algebra is kinda sucky.then...um...oh yah.i have iso,life sci etc hw which i need to do.stupid ct week lah.now make me so busy.as if i not enought things to do meh.
haha.the poetry slam performance was pretty good except for the last one.it was too chim so i didn't really get it.):
well,JYs for the remaining CTs!:D

@ 1:11 AM
let the wind lead me,
fly me to a place with no sadness.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Faith is finally back:D
so anw,today lao shi was more pms-ish than usual today.he came into class with the super moody face and just stoned.(or i thot so) ah but who cares.(other than you know who) had free period during philo and just wasted the time talking crap with tanya.hee.XD btw,i repeat "I AM NOT GETTING MARRIED TO JOSHUA CHU!NEVER!" get tt in your head tanya.
the whole back row in class is not in sch except for denise.lol.(:
sighs.got lots of hw to do.i know i shldnt be here but well...heh.XD

@ 2:41 AM
let the wind lead me,
fly me to a place with no sadness.

Friday, July 17, 2009

I"M SICK!!!sighs.so unlucky lah.i hope i get well by mon so i can go school.staying at home is utterly boring!i srsly wanna watch transformers.i keep wanting to go watch but then smth has to happen.): so irritating lah.
MASQUERADE BY ASHLEY TISDALE IS AWESOME :D.haha.i know im like super random lah.i honestly hate swimming p.e. and my mum thinks tt im very dark now because of it.=.= mrs chong said tt app the sec 1s dont hv to go for the founders day service on fri and if tt's true then so unfair lah.i'll only hv half day off.): but i guess tt's better than nothing.(:

@ 11:07 PM
let the wind lead me,
fly me to a place with no sadness.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Went for swimming at ACJC today and it was horrid.prob cos the last time i actually swam PROPERLY and not play would be VEEEERRRYY long ago.but yeah.and the worst part was tt we couldn't even take a proper shower.bleh.:/ and my hair felt so gross.haha.then in HCL we eventually came to the topic of tan lian ai...lol.i don't even know how tt happened lah.and we were confusing lao shi with markers and marcus.:D bev stupidly said my "marcus".haha.and lao shi thinks marcus is a LA REN?!impossible...

@ 7:16 AM
let the wind lead me,
fly me to a place with no sadness.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Haha.today was quite awesome cos we had free period during hist.and we sang so loud we chased cyy's grp out of class.:D RHD stuff going quite well so far,hope it turns out great tmr!and tt we dont mess up at the chorus.project your voice ppl!

oh yah.today marcus chee totally pissed me off.he's such an annoying idiot i tell you.if i get scolded by lao shi tmr im so gonna ignore him forever!>:) it's his fault anw cos i wanted to tell him but he say no need cos he didnt learn the ke...like wth lah.dont care him liao.pfft.

@ 6:13 AM
let the wind lead me,
fly me to a place with no sadness.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

damn it lah.im so frickin pissed with ebd.like thanks a lot for the seat change.sch's already bad enough and now you have to choose who i sit with?!wth is your prob.it's not like you let me sit woth my good frens or smth...didnt we alr submit the sitting plan to you?!great lah.now im gonna be stuck there for the fricking rest of the year.i totally wish i nev have to go back to sch again.i so wanted this to be a happy post but then wat did she do?this!you let tanya sit with natalie and im like stuck with ppl i dont really talk to.esp v.i dont like her and now i hv to sit with her for so long?!srsly.THANKS A LOT for making sch life even worser.i dont frickin care if i fail your subject anymore cos all you do is piss me off.
sorry for the angry post but im really really annoyed right now.):

@ 11:19 PM
let the wind lead me,
fly me to a place with no sadness.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

didn't realise i haven't posted for this long.been ages hasn't it?just feels so busy adapting to sec sch life...i dunno why but everything seems to go wrong and gets all screwed up.i really wanna go back to pri sch where everything was just so easy.last year,i wanted so bad to take jap and now tt i finally got it,i totally regret it.put a big smile on your face and it'll be alright.tt's wat i used to think.stupid wasnt i?i've finally realised tt hiding doesn't help even tho i wish i could.well,looks it's time for me to grow up and stop being so immature.
anw,so how's my new blogskin?(:like it?sighs.hv to go back to sch in a couple of days and face ebd.bleh.:/ im like super duper uber slack this year lah.so much hw left...so dead.oh wells.i know i shouldnt be here but i just cant help it.heh.it justs seems like i hv no motivation to do anth,been so bad to God.): it's like i tell myself to make sure i do qt and stuff but in the end,it nev does happen.hai...oh wells.i srsly need to finish my hw now.all cos of ebd and lao shi.):and i srsly wanna watch TRANSFORMERS!:D

@ 1:38 AM
let the wind lead me,
fly me to a place with no sadness.


im app a nerd tho totally not one.
awesome just like all my frens(:
Melissa,Mel,Melly,Sa soh etc.
20/09/1996 you better get this vid(very important date)in your head
MGS 1G'09 <3


grace sim(:

Tag,you're it.!


花样男子 - Because Im Stupid (guitar version sung by Kim Hyun Joong).mp3 -